The world’s top CrossFit athletes are competing at the sport’s main event in California– the Reebok CrossFit Games. The games, which are in their tenth year, will take place Tuesday through Sunday at the StubHub Center.
The competitors are reduced from hundreds of thousands of athletes to 40 men, 40 women, 40 teams, 40 teenagers, and 200 masters. Each Athlete qualified through February’s five-week, five-workout competition called the Open and afterwards, competing at the regionals in May. ( We had those Live )
The competition consists of a broad range of Exercises during their 6 Days. The workouts include moves such as deadlifts,
pull-ups and overhead squats running and so forth.
At the CrossFit Games, the athletes have to do a series of challenges unknown to them until right before the competition. So no training specific for that discipline is possible. “A key element to a fair test of fitness is the unknown and unknowable.” : Cross Fit Games.
The Workouts should not be taken as exercise program but only as a Competition.
Please do not mix the CrossFitGames up , with “huh i work out twice a week so i´m pretty fit – i can do it” when you get motivated after watching some CrossFit Games. Pictures shown are from the Teenager and Womens +50 Years Competition